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Human Customers Stories



Having led a serious sporting life from a young age, my body has had its share of gruelling times. My joints ache but I ignore them or take anti-inflammatories. I did start the Rose-Hip Vital and I have been truly blown away with the result. 

I cannot tell enough people the difference it has made to my life.

I am fitter, thinner and healthier and my joint pain is without doubt minimized. I am on no other medication at all and I can absolutely say that Rose-Hip Vital has changed my life. 

There is no question at all, that Rose Hip Vital is an amazing additive to my life and I will not go a day without it.

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NAME: Kerstin
CONDITION: Wellbeing
LOCATION: Nicholson, VIC

"I thought I would give Rose-Hip Vital a go. Since commencing it has assisted me enormously with my symptoms. Thanks for allowing me to have a normal lifestyle."


CONDITION: Wellbeing
LOCATION: Nicholson, VIC

"Since commencing it has assisted me enormously with my symptoms."

I thought I would give Rose-Hip Vital a go. Since commencing it has assisted me enormously with my symptoms. Thanks for allowing me to have a normal lifestyle.

NAME: Irene
CONDITION: Wellbeing
LOCATION: Placid Hills, QLD

"Only been using Rose-Hip Vital for two weeks & every day have felt a little better. With many health issues this is very promising."


CONDITION: Wellbeing
LOCATION: Placid Hills, QLD

"Only been using Rose-Hip Vital for two weeks & every day have felt a little better"

Only been using Rose-Hip Vital for two weeks & every day have felt a little better. With many health issues this is very promising.

NAME: Lori
CONDITION: Wellbeing

"My animals and I alike the Rose-Hip Vital powder. It is easy to use and taste is fine. We have been using it for over a year and have seen good results. The customer svc is there and will respond quickly if you have an issue or need help with the product in anyway."


CONDITION: Wellbeing

"We have been using it for over a year and have seen good results"

My animals and I like the Rose-Hip Vital powder. It is easy to use and taste is fine. We have been using it for over a year and have seen good results. The customer svc is there and will respond quickly if you have an issue or need help with the product in anyway.

NAME: Nigel
CONDITION: Wellbeing
LOCATION: Balcatta, WA

"Both my wife & I have felt the benefits of your Rose-Hip products. Also my dog Milo was under the weather recently and mixed some into his food and within two days has shown a vast improvement with his health. Thankyou Nigel, Ruth & Milo 🐾"


CONDITION: Wellbeing

"Both my wife & I have felt the benefits"

Both my wife & I have felt the benefits of your Rose-Hip products. Also my dog Milo was under the weather recently and mixed some into his food and within two days has shown a vast improvement with his health. Thankyou Nigel, Ruth & Milo 🐾

Improve your joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® with GOPO® is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes, it’s a scientifically and clinically tested plant-based anti-inflammatory that may be used to relieve and prevent joint pain, stiffness, inflammation and swelling associated with mild arthritis, to improve joint health.

Patented manufacturing processes isolate the active compound GOPO® which has scientifically and clinically tested anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation to relieve mild joint symptoms of mild arthritis. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.