"After a few weeks of taking twice a day the recommended dose I felt a serious improvement in my discomfort, I started bicycling sevaral times a week for 20 miles each time and felt great."
I am 61 years old with some extra weight. I started feeling some pain and discomfort in my articulations and joints a few years ago. Being a user of natural supplements I was recommended to use Rose-Hip Vital by a close friend, after reading about the product and the company I ordered my first batch of pills back in 2020. It is as always with natural remedies a slower process but after a few weeks of taking twice a day the recommended dose I felt a serious improvement in my discomfort, I started bicycling sevaral times a week for 20 miles each time and felt great. Unfortunately I had to travel for 18 months in subsaharian africa and didn't have any way to keep taking Rose-Hip Vital, my pain came back in a few months, then finally I was back in Florida and able to order again, I have now resumed taking Rose-Hip Vital for a couple of months and feel the difference already. I will keep taking Rose-Hip Vital.