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Having led a serious sporting life from a young age, my body has had its share of gruelling times. My joints ache but I ignore them or take anti-inflammatories. I did start the Rose-Hip Vital and I have been truly blown away with the result. 

I cannot tell enough people the difference it has made to my life.

I am fitter, thinner and healthier and my joint pain is without doubt minimized. I am on no other medication at all and I can absolutely say that Rose-Hip Vital has changed my life. 

There is no question at all, that Rose Hip Vital is an amazing additive to my life and I will not go a day without it.

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CONDITION: Osteoarthritis


"Rose-Hip Vital has helped me in the way that I'm able to get around much better, able to walk much better, run much better. I even play my sports much better."



I first discovered I had Arthritis approximately 20 years ago. I have it in my fingers, knee and I also have it in my back. The pain in my back has given me a lot of trouble over the years. I like to play lawn bowls. I play lawn balls 3 to 4 times a week and sometimes I even go down for a general roll up. 

Rose-Hip Vital has helped me in the way that I'm able to get around much better, able to walk much better, run much better. I even play my sports much better. 

I have not had any pain of arthritis since I've been taking Rose-Hip Vital. 




"I am fitter, thinner and healthier and my joint pain is without doubt minimised." 



Having led a seriously sporting life from a young age and being competitive by nature, my body has had its share of gruelling times. Being a Physiotherapist, I know the problems with joints and ageing, wear and tear, it’s inevitable and especially when an active sporting lifestyle has been a way of life. More to the point is that I am still wanting to be active and competitive.


My joints ache but I ignore them or take anti-inflammatories. I have tried many different joint formulas and can say that I have never found any benefit and it wasn’t from the lack of trying. I was asked for some photos to use in an advertising campaign for Rose Hip Vital. I had a meeting to discuss the pictures needed and found out a little about Rose Hip Vital (here we go, another one of those natural therapies!).


Now being sceptical about additives for horses etc I was not prepared to use it. It wasn’t free and how can you tell in an equine athlete. I then said if it worked on people then I would consider it of benefit to horses. I did start the Rose Hip Vital and despite my ho hum attitude, I have been truly blown away with the result. I cannot tell enough people the difference it has made to my life.


I am fitter, thinner and healthier and my joint pain is without doubt minimised. I am on no other medication at all and I can absolutely say that Rose Hip Vital has changed my life. I can get out of bed and walk straight down the stairs without any problem which I haven’t done for years. My wrists and thumbs no longer hurt and I have not run a step for years and the other day I had to hurry to get somewhere and I ran without thinking and when I got there a bit puffed!


I realised what I had just done. There is no question at all, that Rose Hip Vital is an amazing additive to my life and I will not go a day without it. I have to say that above all I have not felt so fit and healthy for years and I have not changed a thing. I simply feel better and have less joint pain so I am able to do more and so the wheel goes around. I feel fantastic and of course this all leads to a better mind set and positive outlook.


My life is all good and what’s more so many people have asked how come I look fitter and healthier and that I am riding better. The answer is obvious! It’s exciting.


Of course my horses are both on Rose-Hip Vital and Weltsohn who 15 months ago sustained a serious stifle injury that required surgery and the prognosis from top vets here in Australia and America gave him little hope. 12 months later he became sound and I was able to start working him gently and this was the time I was trying Rose Hip Vital and believed it helped so Sonny started. It’s been three months and he looks fantastic.


He has bloomed from a hairy no muscled unathletic looking dressage horse who was a Grand Prix Athlete 15 months ago. He is healthy and shiny and back to being his excitable self. Above all he is having no problem with his joints at all and the scans and Xrays are remarkable. I attribute his lucky break to great vet attention and prompt and appropriate treatment and above all rest. I never thought he would come sound and nor did most vets.


He did and now Rose Hip Vital is helping keep him on track. Never believed I would ride another Grand Prix test on him and he travelled to Melbourne for his first competition and was Fantastic. Totally healthy and placed mid field. His luck was that he developed a foot abscess and I had to withdraw. His stifle is perfect and his health is the best ever. He is absolutely as he was prior to the injury. I am sure Rose Hip Vital is working. It’s a wonderful product and I swear by it for me and my horses.

NAME: Lorraine
CONDITION: Osteoarthritis
LOCATION: Nirimba Fields, NSW

"I have been using Rose-Hip Vital now for 2 months plus. Because of my biletarel osteoarthritis in my hips which has flared up since April...my GP has been increasing the dosage of the medication which starts to scare me. Pain is still there but never goes away. And it was already affecting my...READ MORE"


CONDITION: Osteoarthritis
LOCATION: Nirimba Fields, NSW

"The next day when I woke up as if I was a new person...more energy than ever...the arthritic pain was less but still there. Took about a month to have the full effect."

I have been using Rose-Hip Vital now for 2 months plus. Because of my biletarel osteoarthritis in my hips which has flared up since April...my GP has been increasing the dosage of the medication which starts to scare me. Pain is still there but never goes away. And it was already affecting my work. Out of the blue Rose-Hip Vital appeared on the wall of my FB and thought to myself why not give a try. So when the product arrived at my doorstep the same day I took 3 and also 3 at dinner. Of course it will never stop the pain but the next day when I woke up as if I was a new person...more energy than ever...the arthritic pain was less but still there. Took about a month to have the full effect. Now my joints I don't hear crackling and my hips are way much better. I am forever grateful to Rose-Hip Vital for making my life easy now.

NAME: Angelika
LOCATION: Macquarie, ACT

"Have recently come back to this as have used in years gone by but had to prioritise my money for other things for a time. It honestly helps with my old knees, actual pain is now rare and is often now just a slight discomfort, I walk more steadily rather then slightly limping and feel happier in myself as I no longer have constant pain...READ MORE"


LOCATION: Macquarie, ACT

"Feel happier in myself as I no longer have constant pain levels, therefore I am also sleeping better." 

Have recently come back to this as have used in years gone by but had to prioritise my money for other things for a time. It honestly helps with my old knees, actual pain is now rare and is often now just a slight discomfort, I walk more steadily rather then slightly limping and feel happier in myself as I no longer have constant pain levels, therefore I am also sleeping better. People have commented that I am not grouchy anymore!

NAME: Gloria
LOCATION: Huntfield, SA

"I had a fall and hurt my shoulder, I put up with the pain for a few weeks hoping it was going to heal itself. It didn't so went to my doctor she said it was probably inflammation around the area that was painful she didn't subscribe anything, so I went home and went online and came across Rose-Hip Vital. I read the reviews...READ MORE"


LOCATION: Huntfield, SA

"I'm happy to say they worked 100% no more pain...very happy with the outcome."

I had a fall and hurt my shoulder, I put up with the pain for a few weeks hoping it was going to heal itself. It didn't so went to my doctor she said it was probably inflammation around the area that was painful she didn't subscribe anything, so I went home and went online and came across Rose-Hip Vital. I read the reviews and thought I would give them a go. I'm happy to say they worked 100% no more pain...very happy with the outcome. I bought 2 tubs of the 3 in 1 and have just ordered 2 more tubs. I highly recommend and I will continue to use them.

CONDITION: Arthritis
LOCATION: Harrington Park, NSW

"I have a very bad lower back, I was in a lot of pain. Arthritis is a huge problem as I’m elderly. I’ve only been using Rose-Hip Vital capsules a short time (on my third bottle) although it hasn’t totally made me pain free, I’m so much better and I’m looking forward to being pain free soon. It’s fantastic."


CONDITION: Arthritis
LOCATION: Harrington Park, NSW

"Although it hasn’t totally made me pain free, I’m so much better and I’m looking forward to being pain free soon."

I have a very bad lower back, I was in a lot of pain. Arthritis is a huge problem as I’m elderly. I’ve only been using Rose-Hip Vital capsules a short time (on my third bottle) although it hasn’t totally made me pain free, I’m so much better and I’m looking forward to being pain free soon. It’s fantastic.

NAME: Vicki
CONDITION: Arthritis

"I would highly recommend this product for mild Arthritis pain. I noticed a difference within 2 weeks of taking it. I have been taking the 5 capsules twice a day and I have noticed a big difference in my fingers and knees."


CONDITION: Arthritis

"I noticed a difference within 2 weeks of taking it."

I would highly recommend this product for mild Arthritis pain. I noticed a difference within 2 weeks of taking it. I have been taking the 5 capsules twice a day and I have noticed a big difference in my fingers and knees.

Improve your joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® with GOPO® is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes, it’s a scientifically and clinically tested plant-based anti-inflammatory that may be used to relieve and prevent joint pain, stiffness, inflammation and swelling associated with mild arthritis, to improve joint health.

Patented manufacturing processes isolate the active compound GOPO® which has scientifically and clinically tested anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation to relieve mild joint symptoms of mild arthritis. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.