Rose-Hip Vital makes it easy for you to do the things you love by minimising joint pain and inflammation, boosting your immunity, and supercharging your body with 31 essential vitamins and minerals. Our 100% natural anti-inflammatory has been extensively researched in over 30 clinical studies. This has given us a deep understanding of the best way to approach your supplement to get the most successful outcome.
This article is intended to provide you with our top recommendations around dosage and usage so that you are set up for success with Rose-Hip Vital.
Understanding Dosage
We have an extensive guide here that covers everything you need to know about dosage and administration, but we’ve also included a few helpful tips below to help get you off to a strong start.
Firstly, it’s important to note that you must adhere to our recommended daily dosage. Our recommendations are based on extensive clinical research and are intended to give you the best possible outcome. If you don’t take our recommended daily dose, your body won’t be receiving the amount of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support it needs to truly enjoy the clinically-proven joint pain and wellbeing benefits.
Our recommended daily dose is 5gs a day. We have more information on this below, otherwise you can check out our dosage page to see how many capsules or scoops of powder this equates to, depending on which product you’ve purchased.
The Best Ways to Take Your Supplement
Taking Rose-Hip Vital 125g Powder
Rose-Hip Vital is heat sensitive, so if you’re taking our powder, it’s important not to mix it into any hot food or liquid. We recommend sticking to room temperature or cooler.
2 scoops of our powder are needed each day. We find they’re best blended into a smoothie, stirred through yoghurt and muesli, sprinkled on your cereal, or mixed with juice.
Taking Your Capsules
We recommend splitting your daily dose of capsules between morning and night, although you can safely take them all at once if you’d prefer. We always recommend taking your capsules with meals.
The recommended daily dosage is:
Rose-Hip Vital with GOPO 150 Capsules – 3 capsules, twice daily (6 capsules in total)
Rose-Hip Vital with GOPO 250 Capsules – 5 capsules, twice daily (10 capsules in total)
Can I Take Rose-Hip Vital While on Other Medications?
At Rose-Hip Vital, we always recommend speaking with a medical professional before beginning any new supplement, especially if you’re intending to take it alongside existing medication.
As referenced in this research paper published in Australian Family Physician, Rose-Hip Vital has been found not to interact with other medications.
What If I Have a Sensitive Stomach?
While it’s important to note that individual results can vary, Rose-Hip Vital has not been found to be associated with any known gastrointestinal or cardiovascular side effects, as discussed in this article.
These side effects can be common in other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, and can act as a barrier to people receiving the pain relief they need.
What Ingredients Are In Rose-Hip Vital?
Only one – rosehips! But it’s not actually that simple.
At Rose-Hip Vital, we don’t sell your average rosehip powder. Our pure rosehips are left to grow for years without any human intervention, allowing them to cultivate the maximum nutritional benefits, before we harvest and manufacture them using patent-protected methods. Our unique methods activate the galactolipid, GOPO®, our 100% natural anti-inflammatory compound.
GOPO® is what gives Rose-Hip Vital its anti-inflammatory edge and sets us apart from other rosehip products.
Does Rose-Hip Vital Contain Any Allergens?
Nope! Because Rose-Hip Vital contains only one natural ingredient, rosehips, it’s free from gluten, wheat, dairy, lactose, additives, fillers and preservatives. It also contains no shellfish or nuts.
Is Rose-Hip Vital Vegan and Vegetarian Friendly?
Yes – our pure rosehip powder is 100% plant-based and therefore entirely vegan and vegetarian-friendly. Our powder is also naturally gluten-free and therefore safe for coeliacs.
Its important to note that our capsules are encased in bovine gelatin, meaning that while they remain safe for coeliacs, they are not vegan or vegetarian friendly.
Is there anything else you’d like to know? If there’s anything we’ve missed, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer care team here. We all take Rose-Hip Vital ourselves, so we have plenty of first hand experience that we’re happy to share.