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4 Great Websites For Your Mental Health

Here at Rose-Hip Vital we are all about health and wellness, whether that be a healthy body or a healthy mind. In celebration of Mental Health Week last week, which serves to educate people about those who suffer with mental health issues, we are putting a spotlight on 4 organisations around Australia who do great things for mental health.

The Butterfly Foundation

The Butterfly Foundation is a foundation that focuses on those affected by eating disorders and the mental illness that is sometimes associated with them. Their aim or vision is to ultimately live in a world that celebrates health, well-being and diversity. Their personal mission as a foundation however is that they are dedicated to bringing about change to the culture, policy and practice in the prevention, treatment and support of those affected by eating disorders and negative body image.

They promote positive body image and associated healthy behaviours, as well as offering a range of services, such as the ability to talk to someone over the phone, through their online chat services or through email, whatever is preferred by the person that is seeking help. By offering personalised support through these services, they are making sure that they're doing all they can to change the culture that surrounds body image and eating disorders.

A Chance for Change

A Chance for Change are a charity that aim to aid the prevention of depression in men, as well as trying to raise awareness for mental illness. They also aim in destroying the stigma that surrounds mental illness and mental illness in men. Their goal is to empower men with knowledge and life skills, as well as to reach as many people across the Australian nation and to engage with people from all walks of life.

A Chance for Change have the catchy tagline of speaking up is manning upand they've chosen this to try and create the cultural shift that is required to have an aware and stigma free Australia. We love what they do and the Australia that they're trying to create.


PANDA: Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia

PANDA is an organisation that aims to educate people about the importance of maintaining a healthy emotional wellbeing throughout pregnancy and early childhood. Their mission is to support a positive transition for new mums and dads into the world of parenthood. Perinatal anxiety and depression is a term for focusing on antenatal and postnatal depression.

Antenatal depression is when the new mums and dads experience panic attacks, persistent worry that is focused on the health and wellbeing of their unborn baby and the possible development of obsessive or compulsive behaviours.  Postnatal depression is the more common and therefore more known about type of depression where parents suffer from extreme lethargy, where there is a feeling of being physically or emotionally overwhelmed and therefore unable to cope with the demands of chores and looking after their child, fears of being alone with the baby and intrusive thoughts of harming yourself or the baby. This organisation does a great job of giving information to new parents and making sure they're informed about perinatal mental health.


Beyondblue is an organisation who aims to address issues that are associated with mental health, such as depression, anxiety disorders as well as other mental disorders. Their aim is to create a mentally healthy environment that supports people across Australia, no matter what their age or wherever they live.

Beyondblue want to reduce peoples experiences of stigma and discrimination that they've suffered because of mental illness, as well as promoting good mental health through the resources that are available on their website. Beyondblue also have the capability to put certain projects and programs into the communities, as they are funded through the Federal Government, as well as every State and Territory Government within Australia.

If you or a loved is suffering from depression or feeling emotionally overwhelmed, do not hesitate to seek help and get in contact with any of the above organisations. 

The theme for Mental Health Week was Learn and Grow which aims to educate the greater community about what its like to live with mental health issues and what services may or may not be available for those who are suffering from mental health issues. Find out more HERE. 


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