AGE: 12
CONDITION: Wellbeing
“After one month I watched her canter in the pasture! I have never seen her canter!”
I rescued a mare this spring her name is Angel, but we call her Mom. Mom is a 12 year old buckskin quarter horse. We originally rescued her foal. The foal had an umbilical hernia and he didn’t want to deal with it.. However, 2 weeks later, the breeder called and asked if we wanted her Mom. I instantly said yes; hooked up the trailer and picked her up. Put 200 pounds on her and shown her nothing but love. She is now apart of the family, and will know nothing but love for the rest of her days. Watching her walk, you could tell she was in pain. Like an old man walking. I saw ads on Facebook showing how well your product worked. So, I bit the bullet and bought it. After one month I watched her canter in the pasture! I have never seen her canter! Only quickly trot then an expression of maybe I shouldn’t have done that. It is amazing to see her move so much more freely. I just wish I have gotten before and after videos, but just seeing her walk more comfortably, I am a fan! Will be purchasing in the future. Just gotta make the orders right so I don’t run out! Once the vet and farrier say she’s good to ride we will head up into the mountains. If not, she will have the best retirement I can give her.
Luna is the bay filly, her daughter, standing next to her.
Thank you so much for your awesome product!