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Equine Customers Stories

Sheer Etiquette (Ellie)

RIDER: Susan Paix's

In 2011 we started competing at Grand Prix International, unfortunately arthritic changes and stiffness set in for Ellie and we sadly decided to retire. Six months ago I started Ellie on Rose-Hip Vital. The change is unbelievable. 

Ellie is better now than when she was competing. Ellie and I are going back into competition at the ripe age of 20. This is so exciting!

Life is too short to be unhealthy. Thank you Rose-Hip Vital!

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NAME: Sherman
AGE: 25

"I was recommended Rose-Hip Vital by my horse's chiropractor, who swears by it for all her clients. I have a 25yr old gelding who was a rescue, and since being diagnosed with cushings in 2022 has been a super hard keeper. It's a constant struggle of weight gain and helping with his overall soreness especially in his right knee. I was skeptical at first since...READ MORE"


AGE: 25

"He's got way more energy and his swelling from arthritis has gone down immensely. I see a fantastic change in his personality and he acts years younger"

I was recommended Rose-Hip Vital by my horse's chiropractor, who swears by it for all her clients. I have a 25yr old gelding who was a rescue, and since being diagnosed with cushings in 2022 has been a super hard keeper. It's a constant struggle of weight gain and helping with his overall soreness especially in his right knee. I was skeptical at first since I've tried quite a few brands of supplements with no avail. One month in to using Rose-Hip Vital and I'm astonished by the impact it's had on him. He's got way more energy and his swelling from arthritis has gone down immensely. I see a fantastic change in his personality and he acts years younger running around his paddock with his friends.

(Sherman after 1 month on RHV)

(Sherman before Rose-Hip Vital)

NAME: Snowy
AGE: 30s
CONDITION: Arthritis

"I met my horse Snowy 10 years ago at a horse rescue where I volunteered. He was very angry, scared, and wild after being rescued from the slaughter truck. He's somewhere in his 30s, and he's quite arthritic and uncomfortable from previous abuse and injuries. Since he can no longer be ridden, he's my "big dog" living his best retirement. I've...READ MORE"


AGE: 30s
CONDITION: Arthritis

"Thank you for a very clean, natural product that is simple and effective."

I met my horse Snowy 10 years ago at a horse rescue where I volunteered. He was very angry, scared, and wild after being rescued from the slaughter truck. He's somewhere in his 30s, and he's quite arthritic and uncomfortable from previous abuse and injuries. Since he can no longer be ridden, he's my "big dog" living his best retirement. I've worked with him over the years with natural horsemanship techniques to bring him out of his shell and to help him understand that not all people are mean and that he is not bad.

The story goes that he was a pack horse for an outfitter in the Sierra Mountains. He stumbled and fell down the trail with packs on his back, and he was not properly cared for or given adequate time to heal. They sold their horses at a slaughter auction when the economy and their business tanked so they could get just a little more money out of them.

After that horrific ordeal, he has turned into a very sweet, loving, and (mostly!) well-mannered horse, but he can still be reactive to unseen demons at any time. ;-) His left side and hind quarters in particular were injured, breaking some ribs along with his withers, injuring his neck, and permanently damaging his hind leg. ...And he means the world to me!

In addition to resulting arthritis, he's metabolic, has Cushings, and has outlived the use of his teeth, so he's kinda high maintenance. I know he hurts and won't live forever, but for now he's happy and healthy, and I want the best I can provide for him while he blesses me with his presence.

Last summer he was having problems getting up from the ground. It was quite concerning, and, in as positive a manner as possible, the vet prepared us for a dark future if it didn't improve.

That's when I started him on Rose-Hip Vital. After a couple of months, he had more energy and could get up from the ground much more easily. Weekdays he gets turnout with his next-stall "frenemy" Mas(erati) or a walk in the Eurociser, and he gets almost-daily walks from my friend and me (when I can do it).

Thank you for a very clean, natural product that is simple and effective. I want Snowy in my life for as long as possible!

Snowy & Mindy (4-Ever!)

NAME: Heaven & Amore
AGE: 33 & 15
CONDITION: Arthritis & Ringbone

"Love this and I have both of my horses on it! We are on our second 5lb tub. Using one scoop in am and pm feeding. So they both get two scoops a day and I feel like it has really helped. Both were rescued one severely abused and the other severely neglected. Really bought for my 33 year old mare. Arthritis and ringbone. But ended up...READ MORE"

Heaven & Amore

AGE: 33 & 15
CONDITION: Arthritis & Ringbone

"I am so glad that I took the risk of trying this supplement because it is a miracle worker."

Love this and I have both of my horses on it! We are on our second 5lb tub. Using one scoop in am and pm feeding. So they both get two scoops a day and I feel like it has really helped. Both were rescued one severely abused and the other severely neglected. Really bought for my 33 year old mare. Arthritis and ringbone. But ended up using it on my 15 year old rescue with a previous stifle injury and they have both been doing amazing. They also seem so much happier. Under the winter coat was a beautiful shiny coat on both horses. I have one that is picky about powder supplements but she eats it all up. I am hearing less cracking in my mare's walk, she is rearing to go and doesn't want to stop. There are too many good changes that I have seen to remember them all but I am so glad that I took the risk of trying this supplement because it is a miracle worker. Everyone asks me what my secret is and I tell them that part of it I feel is using your product. So, I hope that by word of mouth you get some new customers. Again thank you for being an outstanding company.


Amore on Rose-Hip Vital Equine


Amore on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

Heaven on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

Heaven on Rose-Hip Vital Equine

Improve your horse's joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is a plant-based anti- inflammatory and immune system support for your horse’s joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.