Equine Clinician, Instructor & Horse Trainer
CONDITION: Performance
"I love that I can assist my horses in being happy, healthy and comfortable as naturally as possible"
If you want your horse to compete like an athlete, you most certainly have to treat them like one. Coming from a background where I have ridden and/or competed in disciplines such as Campdrafting, Gymkhanas, Rodeo, Barrel Racing, TB Racing, Sprint Racing, Working Stock horse and so on. I came to recognise early on that the basic fundamentals are what set that solid foundation for your horse, and solid foundations quite often give you a calm, trainable, manageable, enjoyable and sound horse. And by following these basic principles you’re giving your horse an opportunity to have a long career. I am very passionate about horse health and their overall well-being and I am a firm advocate that there are number of components vital to having a healthy, comfortable and happy horse. Incorporated into the solid foundations I like to create for my horses, is Diet and Nutrition. I have been using Rose-Hip Vital for a number of years now, and I just love that it is plant-based anti- inflammatory and immune system support for your horse’s joint health and general wellbeing. Given that some of my most competitive horses are now all 16 years old, Rose-Hip is part of their daily nutrition intake. I believe that prevention is better than the cure as they say, and for intense disciplines such as Barrel Racing, Campdrafting, Sprint Racing and so on where there is a lot of pressure placed on the horses body overall, my horses benefit from daily use of Rose-Hip. The results really do speak for themselves, less stress, inflammation and immune support, gut-health support, reduces the likelihood of muscles soreness, quicker recovery, the benefits are endless and I notice it in my horses for those exact reasons. I love that I can assist my horses in being happy, healthy and comfortable as naturally as possible, and we are very proud representatives of Rose-Hip Vital. Sincerely Lisa Sutton