Dressage Specialist
CONDITION: Performance
"Not only were all the claims I’d read true, I’m actually tempted to say that they were understating the benefits!"
I’m a dressage rider whose passion for the sport is currently somewhat greater than her ability. I’m working on the ability part but, as a “mature” rider (at least in body if not in outlook) I find that the day to day demands of keeping two dressage horses in work, combined with time at my desk and days on my feet in my professional life as a consultant and trainer mean that the body sometimes just doesn’t feel up to the demands I make on it.
I’m committed to putting the work in but with a body aching and hurting in very inconvenient places (back, hips, shoulders, and pretty much everything connected to them), it can be a struggle. Up to now, my routine pre-ride was to pop enough ibuprofen to deal with the pain and to hell with the consequences afterward.
Riding is my passion, and my release, and no pain was going to stop me doing what I love! About four months ago, one day while working at my desk, Roger Fitzhardinge popped up on my computer, (I suspect I was live streaming a dressage event while I was supposedly working) extolling the virtues of Rose-Hip Vital.
He sounded very convincing but it all seemed just a bit too good to be true. However, my interest was piqued and I started to research Rose-Hip Vital; the more I found out, the more interested I became until I finally succumbed and bought a bottle of the Rose-Hip Vital with GOPO capsules to try out. At this point I should note that I’m a dreadful skeptic when it comes to supplements for either me or for my horses and while I really hoped that the claims about Rose-Hip Vital would be true, I was still very skeptical.
Not only were all the claims I’d read true, I’m actually tempted to say that they were understating the benefits! I’ve been amazed and delighted at the affect it’s had. No more ibuprofen – I now have a body that can do what I want it to do easily and without pain. For the first time in years I can get serious about fitness (I can run again – I don’t like it but I can do it!) and instead of feeling like a crippled octogenarian after riding two horses, I could now happily ride another one.
The next logical step was to consider that my two 13 year old dressage horses, who work hard and are starting to train some of the higher level movements, might be feeling just like I was. If I felt so much better, how good would it be if they could feel the same? So, they were the next guinea pigs and both started on Rose-Hip Vital in early April.
As noted on the packaging, it took around 4 weeks at the loading dose to make a discernible difference but by week four both horses were moving more freely, felt more supple and were generally happier in their work. We’re now three months down the track and I’m thrilled to say that the improvement has continued. Jed, my 16hh chestnut warmblood with a great work ethic, is finding the movements we’re working on much easier and is starting to perform them with some competence when the rider sorts herself out and gives the right aids.
Gandalf, my 16.2hh grey warmblood with a chequered history, is the happiest I’ve seen him. From a horse who would hardly move when he came to me two years ago, I now have a happy athlete who is proving to have some real talent and is happier to work harder. He’s a complete nut in the paddock and it’s a joy to see a horse galloping and bucking just for the sheer pleasure of it. If he decided to display his exuberance that way while I was riding, I might not be quite so enthusiastic; thankfully he’s a gentleman under saddle!
Perhaps the most exciting thing is that Rose-Hip Vital Equine has meant that our training, which has always been two steps forward, one, two or even three steps back, is now moving inexorably forward without the setbacks of stiffness and soreness for any of us. Sure, there are times when my muscles are screaming out after a couple of intense rides and I’m sure that both horses are the same but that’s just a case of fitness and building the right muscle function and capability to cope with the work. Muscles can be managed relatively easily.
While my main focus has been on the mobility enhancing properties of Rose-Hip Vital, I’ve also noticed an effect in terms of general health benefits for both my horses. Their coats are gleaming and have come back in better than ever before after being clipped this year and they generally look a picture of health and wellbeing.
I’d love to say that I look younger and more glamorous and gorgeous than ever before but Rose-Hip Vital is a natural anti-inflammatory, nutritional supplement for joint health and general wellbeing, not a miracle powder!
Thank goodness I overcame my skepticism and gave Rose-Hip Vital a go – I’m fitter and feel great, my horses are fitter and obviously happier in the paddock and at work and we’re all set to get out there again and start competing again after a two year break. Now that’s a scary thought!