AGE: 13
CONDITION: Severe Arthritis
LOCATION: Inglewood, QLD
"Doug is loving life...He is leading the way on the walks, jogging ahead - often leaving his younger brother in his dust."
This is Doug. We recently welcomed him to the family at 13 years of age. He was morbidly obese and suffering from his severe and advanced arthritis. He couldn't stand up, let alone walk without seeing the pain on his face. He limped around the yard and his legs would often fail under him.
After a month of diet, exercise and Rose-Hip Vital, Doug is loving life. He is much more mobile, getting up and down with much more ease, following his mumma around the house and yard, and enjoying walks around town. He is leading the way on the walks, jogging ahead - often leaving his younger brother in his dust. He still has a lot of improvement to go but already - his life has improved.