AGE: -
CONDITION: Joint Health
"I like your product because it’s for joint health as well as immunity!"
I follow a number of people on IG who use Rose-Hip Vital including Onatahdachshunds! They all are very positive about the benefits!
I have 5 dogs soon to be 6. Two have been diagnosed with a minor joint problem (Bohdi Moon a dachshund and Ripple Rain a Chorkie both 3) and Scarlet Begonia, Lexi Jane, and Bella Stella Blue are all seniors (11-12).
So I decided to give them Rose-Hip Vital. I tried the small bottle to see how it worked and then you had coupons and after that 50% off so I bought the big tub.
My new addition will be coming at the end of February
Picasso Moon a dachshund and he will be given it too!
I like your product because it’s for joint health as well as immunity! And as I said above, is highly recommended by Onatah and others!