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Canine Customers Stories


AGE: 12

Our Veterinarian was thrilled and amazed with the change in her.

Our 14-year-old Beaglier, Sizzles, was barely able to get up from the bed and go outside. She suffered terribly, was extremely ginger when touched, and really struggled throughout the day. Essentially, she seemed to be giving up, and rarely got out of bed at all. We all thought that she didn't have much time left.

What an amazing transformation!

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NAME: Macey
AGE: 11
CONDITION: Cruciate Ligament

"Our almost 11 year old staffy x bull terrier has been using Rose-Hip Vital for almost 3 months now. After undergoing Cruciate surgery 5 years ago we are hoping to delay the inevitable and keep the other leg good for the rest of her time with us. She started getting a bit limpy in the last year or so, so we have looked to support her in her...READ MORE"


AGE: 11
CONDITION: Cruciate Ligament

"Macey is now back to jumping over the couch (yes I mean over, not on, over!) and clearing our back deck gate to get outside for her zoomie festival each evening."

Our almost 11 year old staffy x bull terrier has been using Rose-Hip Vital for almost 3 months now. After undergoing Cruciate surgery 5 years ago we are hoping to delay the inevitable and keep the other leg good for the rest of her time with us. She started getting a bit limpy in the last year or so, so we have looked to support her in her senior years. Macey is now back to jumping over the couch (yes I mean over, not on, over!) and clearing our back deck gate to get outside for her zoomie festival each evening. I think results speak for themselves and it looks as though our kangaroo Houdini isn't backing down just yet!

Macey on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

NAME: Barnie
AGE: 11
CONDITION: Cruciate Ligament

"I have just purchased my second tub. My Maltese hurt his back leg, Vet said he ruptured his cruciate ligament and offered me a $2500 operation. Barnie is 11 yrs and I was thinking to get the operation, when I saw your product. I thought a money back guarantee was good, so purchased. Barnie loved jumping up...READ MORE"


AGE: 11
CONDITION: Cruciate Ligament

"I am very happy with the results, so good to see Barnie back to his old self."

I have just purchased my second tub.
My Maltese hurt his back leg, Vet said he ruptured his cruciate ligament and offered me a $2500 operation. Barnie is 11 yrs and I was thinking to get the operation, when I saw your product.
I thought a money back guarantee was good, so purchased.
Barnie loved jumping up and sleeping on my big bed, but couldn’t for about 3 months.
Now half way through my first tub, he’s jumping up on the bed all the time, this excites me so much, no more limping.
As soon as he sees the tub come out of the cupboard, he starts barking till I feed him, he has never had a problem from day one.
I am very happy with the results, so good to see Barnie back to his old self.

Barnie on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

NAME: Mushu
AGE: 3
CONDITION: Cruciate Ligament
LOCATION: Fraser Rise, VIC

"Mushu has only been on the Rose-Hip Vital for 3 weeks and it has helped her tremendously! There were moments where she would be lying down for a period of time and then struggled to get up straight away. Since doing her cruciate ligament I have strived to find a supplement that would help her and it seems like I have finally found it! Thank...READ MORE"


AGE: 3
CONDITION: Cruciate Ligament
LOCATION: Fraser Rise, VIC

"I have strived to find a supplement that would help her and it seems like I have finally found it!"

Mushu has only been on the Rose-Hip Vital for 3 weeks and it has helped her tremendously! There were moments where she would be lying down for a period of time and then struggled to get up straight away. Since doing her cruciate ligament I have strived to find a supplement that would help her and it seems like I have finally found it! Thank you Rose-Hip Vital!

Mushu on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

NAME: Chumpy
AGE: 9.5
CONDITION: Cruciate Ligament

"Chumpy is my rescue Boxer who I adopted after fostering him almost 3 years ago. He spent the first 6 years of his life living in a shed with his previous owner 😢 Last month he ruptured his cruciate ligament on his right leg and is due for an operation on the 11th of January to have this fixed. He is on painkillers to help him get...READ MORE"


AGE: 9.5
CONDITION: Cruciate Ligament

"I’ve definitely noticed a difference in the way Chumpy is getting around- he has even started putting weight on his sore leg after only 2 weeks of being on Rose-Hip Vital"

Chumpy is my rescue Boxer who I adopted after fostering him almost 3 years ago. He spent the first 6 years of his life living in a shed with his previous owner 😢 Last month he ruptured his cruciate ligament on his right leg and is due for an operation on the 11th of January to have this fixed. He is on painkillers to help him get through the Xmas period until the vet can operate. I have seen a few posts from people saying their dogs are on Rose-Hip Vital as it helps with recovery after having the same operation and being a senior Chumpy was starting to struggle to stand up after laying down. I’ve definitely noticed a difference in the way Chumpy is getting around- he has even started putting weight on his sore leg after only 2 weeks of being on Rose-Hip Vital. I’ll continue to use your product to give Chumpy the best quality of life for my senior boy moving forward.

Chumpy on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

Chumpy on Rose-Hip Vital Canine

Improve your dog’s joint health and wellbeing

Reduce inflammation, protect cartilage and boost immunity

Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is a plant-based anti-inflammatory and immune system support for your dog's joint health and general wellbeing. Made from Rosehips manufactured with patented processes, Rose-Hip Vital® Canine is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation, protect cartilage, improve general health and improve performance.

Patented extraction and drying processes isolate and activate the compound GOPO® which has scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. GOPO® works by stopping excess white blood cells from gathering around inflamed tissue, thereby helping to break the cycle of inflammation and protect cartilage. Rosehip products that do not contain GOPO® have not been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.