BREED: Dachshund
CONDITION: Disc Disease
"I think being on RHV has definitely given Indy a better quality of life and she loves her walks each day"
Hi Rose-Hip Vital. Short video today of Indy going up steps at the beach. No problems. Indy has two problems. Canine Disc Disease and all over her body grass allergy. This skin allergy used to every few months explode with a hot rash all over her body only relieved by steroids. Since giving her Rose-Hip Vital nearly three years ago these allergy explosions and her bleeding skin abrasions haven't occurred so no more steroids! All Indy's discs in her top and lower spine had cervical disc disease and she had all accessible discs operated on when one year old. A few too dangerous to operate on discs at top of neck and at base of tale were still causing her some pain if she was picked up wrongly. But this pain has gone now too! I think being on RHV has definitely given Indy a better quality of life and she loves her walks each day.