AGE: 17
CONDITION: Arthritis
“Lucky has had unbelievable amazing results”
Lucky is 17.3 years old. In January 2019 he began to have troubles climbing stairs. July 13, 2020 at 5am the family was woken up to Lucky yelping in great pain and he could not getup or stand. The emergency clinic gave him a shot for pain, prescribed 483 mg of meds and told us to prepare for the worst case scenario, the diagnosis was severe spinal arthritis.
July 15th Lucky started Rose-Hip Vital and only 3 days later we saw improvement.
Today is August 5th, 21 days later and Lucky has had an unbelievable amazing results. He gets up, stands, walks and even trots again with no limping or head bobbing. He lifts his leg and squats now. His eyes, nose and fur has improved greatly. He is eating and going more frequently and has gain most of his weight back. Most importantly Lucky seems to be more happy, playful, pain free and enjoys being petted once again.
Finally, I would like to mention his meds have decreased from 483 mg to 133 mg per day equating to 10,500 mg less of meds per month.
Thank you for this GREAT product and giving our family our Lucky back.
– Lucky's dad