AGE: 10.5
"I believe Rose-Hip Vital has helped him to get to the stage he is at now. From us thinking the worst was going to happen, to him now being back to a happy boy."
Blaize, our Staffordshire Bull Terrior, went from an active, happy dog, to losing a lot of mobility in his bad legs. We went to the vets, had x-rays, blood tests, tried various medications, but nothing was working. Blaize couldn't jump, run or climb. We had to lift him into the car, out of the car. He'd lost all his muscle tone in his back end. We were to the stage that we thought the outcome was not going to be good. I came across an ad for Rose-Hip Vital and read some of the testimonials. Thought, what have we got to lose. We gradually took him off his medication, which I don't think was doing him any good. Within a month to 6 weeks, our boy was putting his front feet up on the chair to get up, or onto the seat of the car to get in. He can now get onto the recliner. He gets a trot up when we go to the park. While he's not back to 100%, I believe Rose-Hip Vital has helped him to get to the stage he is at now. From us thinking the worst was going to happen, to him now being back to a happy boy.