Wondering what rescue pup extraordinaire ‘Pikelet' has to say about Rose-Hip Vital Canine?
Okay friends I have a hot health & wellbeing tip for all you conscientious pup owners. The product Rose-Hip Vital Canine is a joint health + general wellbeing powder made from 100% pure & natural ingredients (Rosehip). In our household me & my pup siblings consist of the following:
Shelly Shoe is my 16 (going on 17) year oldest Spinster Sister. Shelly has many lumps & bumps (showing signs of her old age) though she is still is fairly good health and condition.
Betty Boo is my 13-14 year old three legged Spinster Sister. Betty lost her front left leg in a terrible car accident when she was about 1-2 years old. She has been a #tripaw most of her life now and even though she is getting on in age she has yet to show any signs of arthritis or other joint problems.
Patty Cakes is my dorky big-younger pup brother (as you probably already know). Patty is just a little over 9 months of age. With mostly white colouring and short fur, Patty has typical skin issues that many fair complexion dogs have including allergies and irritations from everyday things like grass, sand, and foster ducklings.
This is me, Piklet (aka Pikey, Punkinator)
Myself. I'm nearing my 3rd Gotcha Day (4th of July) which would make me about 3.28767824 years old (approx). When I was rescued I had a condition called ‘Rickets' which left me with slightly deformed front legs and a slight curved spine. It is almost a given that I will suffer from arthritis at some point and most likely earlier rather than later.
I give you all of the above info so that you can understand my rents reasonings for wanting to find a little extra something to add to our family diet to help improve and maintain a good balance of health. They had heard good things about the family owned business that supplies this product so below is kinda our review:
Since adding Rose Hip Vital Canine powder to our dinner meals, in just a few short weeks my rents have noticed the following
– All of our coats are looking both shinier and noticeably more vibrant. Ma says my fur in particular looks shinier and deeper red #gingerninja
– I'm not licking my front paw joints (Pa calls them my wrists but Ma isn't sure dogs have wrists) as much as I use to when they were starting to feel a long day's ache.
– Patty's skin has not had any new flare ups or rashes and his pink bits haven't looked inflamed like they sometimes do.
– Betty seems a little brighter and a little more active (but she still acts like a cat so this is only just slightly noticeable).
– We are all still enjoying our meals. This is a pretty BIG thing as believe it or not we are all very fussy eaters in this household and no amount of trickery will get us eating anything that tastes like crud.
So! If any of the above resinates with you and you feel your pup could do with a little health boost then my rents highly recommend you give #RoseHipVitalCanine a good go! For us, this is staying as part of our on going diet. All thumbs and paws up with our tick of approval!
Even the Punkinator gets in there for a taste of the magic orange powder (zooms do usually follow in the minutes after) ;)
* Just a note that this is not a paid advert, not even in the slightest. This is a product that my rents had been meaning to trial us on for ages and have done so over the past few weeks *