AGE: -
CONDITION: Tendon Injury
"At his first event back, since the injury, he jumped better than he has ever done"
We initially bought some Rose-Hip Vital for my daughter’s event horse who had sustained a suspensary tendon injury and were given some canine Rose-Hip Vital to try on our Jack Russell. She had lost the use of one of her front legs just over 2 years ago and had stopped going on walks and coming out hacking. After 10 days of Rose-Hip Vital we were all surprised one night to hear her in the paddocks chasing a fox (she makes a very sweet noise when she has the scent of a fox!). She now is back out on trail rides and a happy dog! I believe the Ros-Hip Vital has helped relieve her of pain.
At the same time we started the grey on Rose-Hip Vital. He was to be rested for 3 months and then bought back in to work slowly. At his first event back, since the injury, he jumped better than he has ever done and went on to win the class! We will continue to feed him Rose-Hip Vital as I believe it too has helped him recover and also feel better in himself.