AGE: 22
CONDITION: Performance
"Pepper performed as if she was in the prime of her life"
Pepper was great on the weekend, very enthusiastic dressage (a bit too much energy) but she managed a clear round in show jumping and cross country, feeling better than ever! I've been giving Rose-Hip Vital Equine to my 22 year old Appaloosa mare Pepper for around 6 weeks. I had noticed her hind hocks were clicking each step and she was feeling a bit stiff, so decided to try this product. After about 4 weeks Pepper's legs had improved so much that I hardly ever heard a click and was able to ride her more frequently for longer periods of time. Pepper was feeling so good I decided to enter her in our first 2 day event at Ballarat since November 2013. Pepper performed as if she was in the prime of her life, jumping clear show jumping and cross country under time, recovering very quickly as well. I am very happy with Rose-Hip Vital so am now using it on my 4yo WB as well who absolutely loves it and eats the parts of her hard feed sprinkled with RHVE first! The rate of growth of Pepper's hooves have also increased since being on Rose-Hip Vital Equine, improving the overall quality of them.